Project Setup

Start a new project in IntelliJ IDEA, configuring it as follows:



The name of your project, the convention is your name in lowercase followed by "-bots", eg. "party-bots"


Where your project will be located on your local machine

Create Git Repository

Off (we do recommend using a version control system to manage your code but we won't discuss that in this guide)

Build System



JDK 17 (preferably Eclipse Temurin)

Gradle DSL

Preferably Kotlin

Add sample code


Gradle dist.


Gradle version

I use 8.7 for this guide

Group ID

Similar to Java's package naming convention, eg. "com.runemate.yourusername"

Artifact ID

Same as project name. eg. "party-bots"

When you create this project, give Gradle some time to finish configuring your environment.

Take note of the following two buttons:

- Left side: Project Browser, shows all of the files in your project.

- Right side: Gradle tool window, easy access to Gradle tasks etc.

Last updated