Varps, Varbits and Varcs

Vars are used to manage state in the game engine. Varps and Varbits are set by the server and updated on the client every tick, whereas Varcs are set by the client. They are used to manage the state of various things, like transforming GameObjects, or changing the state of the UI, or for general purpose storage.


Varps are 32-bit integers and the most basic type of var.

int value = Varps.getAt(ALCHEMY_WARNING_VARP).getValue();


Varbits have a variable size, and are built on-top of Varps. Each Varbit has a fixed size as described in the game cache.

Varbit varbit = Varbits.load(id);
int value = varbit.getValue();


Varcs are client-side only variables that are primarily used in client scripts and are sometimes persisted. They are used for things like the messaged being typed in chat boxes, and can be either ints or Strings.

String varcString = Varcs.getString(id);
int varcInt = Varcs.getInt(id);

Finding Vars

The best way to find vars is using the Events pane in the Development Toolkit. If you looking for the var that controls an NPC or GameObject transformation, you can look for the Varp or Varbit used in the NpcDefinition or GameObjectDefinition.

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