
The plugin adds the submitForReview task to the root project. This task scans each project with the plugin applied and performs the following tasks in order:

  1. Deletes any previous submission bundles or generated manifests

  2. Generates manifests as declared by the manifests block of each project

  3. Scans and validates any manually produced manifests

  4. Bundles all source code, resources and manifests into the root project build directory

  5. Submits the source bundle to the store for review and publication

This requires the submissionToken to be set (see the Configuration section). The best way to do this is to add a property called runemateSubmissionToken in $USER_HOME/.gradle/


The submission token itself can be acquired from the RuneMate Developer panel.

If you want to preview the contents that will be submitted, run the buildSubmission, this will generate a tarball in $rootProject/build/runemate/distribution.

Last updated